Our Denture Alternatives Are Secure, Comfortable, and Affordable

Denture Alternatives in Sterling Heights, MI | Mini Dental Implants

In the state of Michigan, approximately 13% of adults over 65 have no remaining teeth due to decay or gum disease. While aging and decay aren’t the only ways to lose teeth, they’re certainly some of the most common. Missing teeth can lead to many oral health and quality of life issues, so how do we replace them? While traditional dentures have been a serviceable answer to severe tooth loss, they have several drawbacks, such as discomfort and a lack of stability. Fortunately, mini dental implants provide effective denture alternatives for those seeking a more reliable and secure tooth replacement option. At St. Apollonia Dental, we’re redefining tooth replacement with mini implant dentures.

The Problem With Traditional Dentures

Denture Alternatives in Sterling Heights, MI | Mini Dental ImplantsWhile old-fashioned dentures are a popular solution for tooth loss, they come with certain challenges. First, their bulky frame can look and feel unnatural and can affect how food tastes. Second, conventional dentures will not prevent your jawbone and gum tissue from receding because they don’t provide the same stimulation as tooth roots. This deterioration means that your jawbone will lose its shape, changing how your dentures fit and how your face appears.

As your dentures lose their tight fit, you’ll need to have them periodically relined or use messy adhesives to avoid the problem of “floating dentures,” which costs you time, money, and patience.

Denture stability is an important aspect of your satisfaction with your dental prosthetics and your quality of life. When your dentures begin to move around in your mouth, they pose a risk of slipping or falling out, creating embarrassing mishaps. They also make eating and speaking more challenging. These issues can significantly impact your well-being, leading you to seek more secure and comfortable denture alternatives.

Mini Dental Implants Help Stabilize Denture Alternatives

Implant dentures are an excellent option for those seeking traditional denture alternatives. For this more stable denture option, we insert implants into your jawbone, forming a solid support structure for the false teeth. At St. Apollonia Dental, we use mini dental implants because their unique design ensures unparalleled stability, a minimally invasive placement, and functionality that closely mimics natural teeth. This approach to dental cartransformsng our patients’ experience, allowing them to avoid the challenges of traditional dentures.

Mini dental implants are a slimmer version of traditional dental implants. Both implant types are designed to replace missing tooth roots and provide a stable base for various dental prosthetics. However, unlike larger two-piece implants, mini implants have a thinner, single-piece titanium design. Their slim size and sleeker design contribute to a less invasive and complex placement procedure. They’re also suitable for a wider range of patients, especially those with less jawbone density, such as long-time wearers of traditional dentures.

The Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

Because of their smaller profile, mini implants offer several advantages over their larger counterparts:

  • Quick, minimally invasive procedure: We can typically place mini implants in just one visit. Each implant requires only a tiny pilot hole for placement—unlike conventional implant procedures, incisions or sutures aren’t necessary. This efficient procedure allows for a shorter overall timeline.
  • Greater accessibility: Their narrow design makes mini implants ideal for patients who might not qualify for traditional implants without a preliminary bone graft.
  • Quick recovery: The minimally invasive procedure allows patients to resume normal activities within 24-48 hours. Mini implants will fuse with your jawbone in a few weeks, which is much shorter than the 4-6 months it takes for larger implants.
  • Impressive durability: Despite their smaller size, mini implants are long-lasting and can support various dental restorations, such as crowns, dental bridges, and implant dentures, for many years. 
  • More affordable solution: Mini implants are more cost-effective than traditional implants, primarily because their efficient procedure requires less time and fewer dental visits.

How Much Do Denture Alternatives Cost?

The cost of implant dentures varies depending on whether extractions are required, the number of implants needed, and the materials chosen for your denture prosthetic. However, mini implant dentures are generally more affordable than traditional dental implant options. During your complimentary implant consultation, we’ll help you understand your insurance coverage and the available financing options. Our goal is to make high-quality dental care accessible to everyone!

Arrange a Free Consultation To Learn More

Mini dental implants offer a transformative solution for those seeking denture alternatives. At St. Apollonia Dental, Drs. Charles and Yvonne Pearson and their team are committed to providing the best possible dental care and helping patients regain the quality of life they deserve.

Ready to explore how mini dental implants can revolutionize your denture experience? Schedule a free consultation with our office to take the first step toward a stable, confident smile.

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